Virtual Assisting for Course Creators

Floating white brick bridge on sky background
Wavy, organically shaped stucco structure against sky blue background
Rectangular concrete wall with circular hole. A blue sky with clouds can be seen behind and through the hole.

More profit


More impact


More free time


More profit · More impact · More free time ·

Being a course creator can be extremely rewarding.

You get to…  

❤️ Help people with something you’re passionate about

🤗 Make a difference in your students’ lives

💸 Earn a great income while setting your own hours

But it also has many moving parts. 

It takes a lot of work to get up and running. And even more work to continue providing value for your students. 

Plus, effectively marketing your course is essential to earning a great income and making a bigger impact. 

You can’t fully reap the rewards and be the best you can be for your students if you’re swamped with work. Especially work that doesn’t excite you. It doesn’t matter how necessary that work is to the success of your business. If you don't have enough downtime, your best ideas can’t come to you and you can't be there for your family and friends the way you want. 

And your to-do list is long. 

You need to create content for your course—lessons, workbooks, descriptions etc. 

You need to engage with and support your community. 

You need to check your inbox and respond to current and prospective students. 

You need to nurture your community on social media in comments and DMs. 

You need to plan and manage business projects so things don’t fall through the cracks. 

You need to plan, write, and post content on social media.

You need to plan, write, and send valuable, thoughtful emails to your subscribers.

You need to continuously brainstorm and work on ads, emails, YouTube, and other marketing channels to attract new students to your course. 

…And so many more tasks in between. 

Sounds overwhelming, right? 😩

Maybe you didn’t realize how much you truly do day after day. 

Or maybe you’re starting to doubt if you can handle creating and managing a course at all. 

In fact, many business owners find themselves throwing in the towel because owning a business ends up being longer hours and harder work than when they simply worked a 9-5.

I have all the faith in the world that you can scale your course to have more impact, free yourself from the restrictive hours of the employee world, and become financially free in the process.

But it can be impossible to do so without some help. 

Working with a course creator virtual assistant can…

✨ Allow you to have a bigger impact

✨ Help you put out consistent, valuable content

✨ Nurture better customer and ideal customer relationships

✨ Allow you to be in more than one place at the same time

✨ Attract more students to your course

✨ Manage your task list

✨ Increase your confidence

✨ Save you time

Just think. 

More profit. More impact. More free time. 

Yes. You can do all these things—improve customer relationships, increase your content’s value, and keep track of all your projects, big and small… 

All while working less.


My name is Brittany. I help course creators like you fall in love with their business again by taking over tasks that you find difficult, think are boring, or simply don’t have time for.

Frustrated with always needing to crank out emails and send them to your subscribers? I can write and manage your email broadcasts. 

At a loss for how to handle a difficult email to a student? I can write up a professional and effective reply for you. 

Need an extra set of fingers typing away responding to your students, followers, and ideal customers? I’m great at capturing your voice and nurturing customer relationships. 

Plus, I have a background in copywriting. So I know a thing or two about getting your ideal customers to take action. 

But don’t just take my word for it…

Ready to take advantage of all the benefits a course creator virtual assistant has to offer?

Check out my packages…


  • Geometric drawing of an outline square with sections divided by vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines.

    Client Relationship Management

    Wish you could be more consistent with responding to current and future customers?

    Showing up for people—publicly and privately—is an important step in gaining trust and showing your business’s value. People like knowing they’re working with a real person. Having consistent, genuine conversations makes people more willing to purchase from you and join your communities.

    Package includes…

    ✨ Inbox management
    ✨ Comment & DM responding

    Starting at $750 per month

  • Geometric drawing of an outline square with sections divided by vertical, horizontal, and half circle lines.

    Project Coordination & Course Assistant

    Need help getting and staying organized across your business?

    Having an extra set of eyes on your projects so you always know you’re on track allows you to let go of mental to-do lists getting in the way of your creativity and taking over your time off. An assistant can organize tasks to make sure things are done and done according to your standards.

    Package includes…

    ✨ Planning & organizing business projects & course lessons
    ✨ Writing lesson descriptions & community posts
    ✨ Overseeing community communication (posts, comments, etc.)

    Starting at $2,500 per month

  • Geometric drawing of an outline square with sections divided by vertical, horizontal, and circle lines.

    Content Management & Copywriting

    Want to get content planning, writing, & scheduling off your plate?

    Consistently providing value and talking about all the ways you can help your ideal customers increases trust, keeps your brand at the top of their mind, and attracts new customers to your deliverables and services. But this is also a full-time job. One you likely won’t have adequate time for once you’ve grown past a certain level. Getting help with each step of this process starting with planning can help free up your mind to focus on next-level ideas and projects while still taking advantage of the benefits of showing up.

    Package includes…

    ✨ Planning, writing, & scheduling social media posts & email broadcasts

    Starting at $3,500 per month

  • Geometric drawing of an outline square with sections divided by vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines.

    Other Copywriting Projects


    ✨ Email sequence writing & scheduling
    ✨ Landing page writing

    …paid separately per project

Don’t see a package with your name on it? I’m always happy to create a personalized package just for your business needs. 

As a course creator virtual assistant with a background in copywriting, I know the goal for every project is to communicate that your business is the solution to your ideal client’s problems. 

I’m always looking for ways to get prospective customers to the next step in your funnel, provide them with value, and make sure they’re happy with any and all deliverables or purchases. 

Like what you’re seeing so far?

Book your discovery call here.

During our 15-minute discovery call, we’ll cover… 

👉 Where you’re at in your business
👉 Your business and personal goals
👉 What tasks you’re looking to offload

Plus, I’m always happy to create a package that fits your most pressing needs while keeping your budget in mind.

After all, we want to make sure we’re the right fit. 

Want to spend more time with your children—without sacrificing income?

Want to actually enjoy your business again by offloading tasks you’re tired of?

Want to finally prioritize writing the book that’s been within you for years?

Wish you could clone yourself to reach more people and be more personable with your students?

Tired of being the only person keeping your business running smoothly?

You’re in the right place.

The dream lifestyle of a carefree, successful course creator is right around the corner. Adding a virtual assistant to your team can help get you there faster.

I’m excited to see where our work together can take you! 💫